education in canada

knowledge to change the world

Your future education starts here

Study and work

In Canada you have opportunity to have professional income while continuing your education.

Regulation to Study and work

Regulations permit you different options to enable you work while you study in Canada , which are mostly defined by ;


Working on Campus

On campus you can work at all buildings on your school campus.

You can work on School campus without a work permit in following conditions ;

Working off Campus

You can work as an international student in Canada if your study permit lists a condition that says you’re allowed to work on- or off-campus.

You and your employer must make sure you can work off-campus without a work permit before you start working

To work off campus without work permit , you should meet the following requirements

Social Insurance Number to work in Canada

The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a 9 digit number that the Government of Canada gives you. You need it to work in Canada.